Wild Asparagus Contra Dance (every 1st Sat) Nils Friedland calling
Guiding Star Grange (401 Chapman St, Greenfield, MA 01301, Greenfield MA)
Wild Asparagus Contra Dance **every 1st Sat** at Guiding Star Grange #1 in Greenfield, MA. OCTOBER: Nils Friedland calling (instead of George Marshall)
The heartbeat of Wild Asparagus is **Ann Percival** on piano, guitar, and vocals. **David Cantieni**, a wood-wind wizard, pours forth lively melodies and liquid harmonies on his flutes, tin-whistle, oboe, saxophone and bombard. **Becky Tracy**'s masterful fiddling is that rare combination of energy and beauty. George Marshall returns in November to provide excellent instruction and calling and driving rhythms on bodhran and bones. And a guest bass player.
MASK OPTIONAL event. This doesn’t mean that you should dance without a mask, we still recommend that you take precautions and we are still asking that you come only if you have been vaccinated. Please do not attend if you show signs of infection.