Wild Asparagus Contra Dance (every 1st Sat)
Guiding Star Grange (401 Chapman St, Greenfield, MA 01301, Greenfield MA)
Wild Asparagus Contra Dance **every 1st Sat** at Guiding Star Grange #1 in Greenfield, MA.
The heartbeat of Wild Asparagus is **Ann Percival** on piano, guitar, and vocals. **David Cantieni**, a wood-wind wizard, pours forth lively melodies and liquid harmonies on his flutes, tin-whistle, oboe, saxophone and bombard. **Becky Tracy**'s masterful fiddling is that rare combination of energy and beauty. **George Marshall** provides excellent instruction and calling and provides driving rhythms on bodhran and bones. And a guest bass player. David got out the bombard for a recent concert in Brattleboro and it still works! Take this as a warning, or a happy announcement, the bombard will be used on Sept 2nd (at 7:24 check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-RzSdjufnA)
September 2nd will be a MASK OPTIONAL event. This doesn’t mean that you should dance without a mask, we still recommend that you take precautions and we are still asking that you come only if you have been vaccinated. Please do not attend if you show signs of infection.
Having read the tea leaves along with consulting with many in the medical professions it seems that this step is unlikely to impact our Covid situation. Many of our regional dances have already gone this path with seemingly very little if any problem. Since there is still a level of uncertainty about what the future of Covid may hold, it remains to be seen how dance policy will evolve.
We are really looking forward to seeing you and many more at our dance!