Square Dance



Ashfield Town Hall (412 Main Street, Ashfield, MA 01330, Ashfield MA)

A free square dance will be held on Saturday, March 22*, 2025, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, at Ashfield Town Hall, 412 Main Street, Ashfield.

Live music will be provided by the Fall Town String Band, with Doug Wilkins calling the dances.

All ages. All experience levels welcome. Dances will be taught, and beginners should come promptly at 7:00 pm to learn the basics. Seating will be available - come to dance and/or to watch the dancing. And come to listen to the band!

Admission is free. This program is funded by grants from the Ashfield, Buckland, Shelburne, and Williamsburg Cultural Councils, local agencies which are supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

Contact (413) 485-7285 with questions or to check on weather plans.

* The snow date is Saturday, April 5, same time and place.