Small Town Film Series: The Magnificent Ambersons
The Clark Art Institute (225 South Street, Williamstown, MA 01267, Williamstown MA)
The Clark presents the Small Town Film Series, highlighting the unique charm of small towns.
The series kicks off with "The Magnificent Ambersons" (1942). Spanning the turn of the nineteenth century into the twentieth, Orson Welles’ "The Magnificent Ambersons" follows the declining fortunes of the wealthiest family in town, through the spoiled young heir, George (Tim Holt). This twisting family saga is propelled by nostalgia, jealousy, and disappointed hopes. As the Ambersons fall, the town they were once the talk of begins to change as it, too, absorbs the shifts of the new century. (Run time: 1 hour, 28 minutes)
Free. Accessible seats available; for information, call 413 458 0524.
Image: "The Magnificent Ambersons," Orson Welles, 1942