Rachael Davis Music



Luthier's Co-op (108 Cottage St, Easthampton, MA 01027, Easthampton MA)

Rachael Davis was born into a musical family and has been in the company of music all her life. Davis is swayed by many different types of music so her style doesn’t simply rest amid broader musical genres. Rachael’s slant on acoustic music originates with a mixed cassette tape that her father had during her childhood. One side of the cassette was the soundtrack for The Big Chill, on the other side was John Hartford’s “Areoplane”. Hours of listening in the family van during a critical time for an impressionable child had a lasting effect thus creating a unique category of acoustic music Davis amorously calls ‘Motown-Banjo’. Rachael is a multi-instrumentalist, award-winning songwriter and widely celebrated vocalist whose talent has taken her across the world and left many people of many cultures thunderstruck by the power and purity of her preternatural talent. Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/user303671559 Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/rachaeldavis4 "Rachel Davis possesses a stunning voice of diva proportions, balanced by an unassuming charm that disarms even the toughest audience." -Phil Madeira "We don't have Eva Cassidy anymore but we do have Rachael Davis" - Susan Werner "Rachael is a bold explorer in the undefined and powerful territory of her primary instrument -- her own human voice -- and the stories that come through it." - Claudia Schmidt "People . . . please open your hearts and bathe your ears in the 'Be-here-now, soul-on-your-sleeve'-inspired new voice of Rachael Davis!" - Dean Magraw (folk and jazz guitar wizard) A toothsome compound of traditional and original swing, folk, jazz and blues offered up by searing vocals, guitar, banjo, upright bass and ukulele...