Pagan, Jewish and Christian Women in the Roman Empire: Literary and Archaeological Evidence
Greenfield Pubklic Library (412 Main St, Greenfield, MA 01301, Greenfield MA)
Celebrate Women’s History Month at the Greenfield Public Library with Valerie Abrahamsen on March 20 at 2:00 pm in the library’s conference room.
Recent scholarly research clearly shows that women had much larger roles in the early Roman Empire than previously acknowledged. In this slide presentation, in honor of Women’s History leaders, missionaries, apostles, and possibly even bishops. Contrary to traditions that still impact us in the West, we will see how ancient texts have been misinterpreted for centuries and how archaeology can not only expand our knowledge of the ancient world but also help promote justice and equality in our own society.
Valerie A. Abrahamsen is a Harvard-trained New Testament scholar.
For more information, contact Lisa Prolman at or call (413) 772-1544.
This program, generously sponsored by the Friends of the Greenfield Public Library, is free and open to the public.