Ongoing Great Hall Exhibit— Cameron Schmitz: Where We Are, Together



Great Falls Discovery Center (2 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA 01376, Turners Falls MA)

The Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association (PVMA), in partnership with Montague Public Libraries, celebrates its eighth National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Big Read. Focused on Ross Gay’s book of poetry, Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude, exhibits and events explore this year’s theme of “Where We Live.” Enjoy the paintings of Greenfield artist, Cameron Schmitz, who uses color and mark-making as her language of expression. “Dashes of paint and gestural strokes tell a story— orchestrated by movement, intuition, and the shifting of time.” Our Great Hall room is also a programming space. If there is a program in progress, you are welcome to visit the Great Hall to view the exhibits.