New Artifacts from the Cave of Stories
New England Visionary Artists Museum (518 Pleasant St, Northampton MA)
For many years I made comics, zines, designs and paintings in my own little world before it occurred to me to make a picture book. When I put the pieces of this story together, I knew this was a project I would have to see through. I found the process of trying to do a new thing the right way to be extremely challenging but greatly satisfying, so I saved a lot of stuff. I think that by including my notes, storyboards, trials and errors alongside the finished pages, you can peek behind the curtain to see an important truth: the artist is a human, just like you. All of the art is done 100% by hand on paper. The experience the story is based on - using art as a way to cope with loss or trauma - is also an essential human trait. In an age when a digital world believes the lies it tells itself, I say go outside and make art with your friends. In fact, not just your friends, make a whole beloved community! <3 Cairn