LaunchSpace Hammered Floral Prints



LaunchSpace (131 West Main Street #Suite 342, Orange MA)

Learn about pretreating and types of flowers best used for achieving a long-lasting, colorful designs and create your own unique fabric print.

Feel free to bring blossoms from your garden to experiment with!


Age: 12+ or 8+ with caregiver in the class

Instructor: Zoe Burch

Prerequisites: None

Cancellations and Refunds: Cancellations made three or more days prior to class will be happily refunded.

Pay It Forward: At LaunchSpace, we want to ensure that all members of our community are able to access the workshops and classes we offer. For this reason, we offer a Pay-It-Forward ticket giving the option for those purchasing tickets to contribute a bit more. Pay-It-Forward tickets support a scholarship for members of our community who would otherwise be unable to attend due to financial barriers.

Access to Art Scholarship: We aim to have all our workshops accessible to all. If you are interested in a financial scholarship to attend this event, let us know! 🎨✨ Apply here