Kidlit Beyond Borders: A Conversation with Rajani LaRocca, Hannah Moushabeck, & Mary Wagley Copp



Northampton Center for the Arts (33 Hawley St, Northampton MA)

Over the past decade, a growing number of children's books have thoughtfully highlighted immigration stories, chronicled refugee experiences, and showcased the strength of family traditions that bridge geographic divides.

Please join the Massachusetts Center for the Book on 5/7 at the Northampton Center for the Arts for this free Mass Kids Lit Fest kickoff event, as acclaimed picture book authors Rajani LaRocca, Mary Wagley Copp, and Hannah Moushabeck discuss the impact that migration stories have on young readers, why these books are critical for developing cultural understanding and belonging, and how to represent challenging realities.

A reception will follow the panel discussion and High Five Books will be onsite to host an author signing. For more details on the inaugural Mass Kids Lit Fest and a full schedule of events, please visit