Jennifer Brunton - The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Building Independence: A Handbook for Teens, Young



Emily Williston Memorial Library (9 Park St, Easthampton, MA 01027, Easthampton MA)

Jennifer Brunton, Ph.D. is the co-author, with Jenna Gensic, M.A., of The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy: Step-by-Step Advice on How to Ally and Speak Up with Autistic People and the Autism Community and The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Building Independence: A Handbook for Teens, Young Adults, and Those Who Care About Them.

Every topic in these empowering, affirming books was chosen, shaped, and informed by perspectives and insights from more than 100 #ActuallyAutistic people. Brunton consults around neurodiversity inclusion, and regularly gives keynotes and other talks, workshops, and classes, based on these books.