Chi Kung Practice & House Art Tour



The Shantigar Foundation (63 Davenport Road, Rowe, MA 01367, Rowe MA)

**The Shantigar Foundation** **will host a day-long workshop devoted to Chi Kung practice, accompanied by a tour of the Foundation’s collection of spiritual and art objects.** Discover the merging of *chi* and art. Through the practice of *Chi Kung*—slow-flowing movement and deep rhythmic breathing—we cultivate energy for health and wellbeing. All of us know the pleasure of being around great art. Combined with gentle Tao-ist exercises, this experience becomes a total immersion in the physical and metaphysical. **John Meyer** will weave the exploration of *Chi* with the symbols found within Shantigar's unique collection of Buddhist and Taoist art. John is an experienced Chi Kung practitioner and Asian art expert who formerly owned the LiAsia gallery in Williamstown.

**The day runs from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. $50 fee includes lunch.**

**Places are limited to 15 people. Register by calling the Shantigar Foundation: #413-339-4332**

**Or register online:**

**To learn more about Shantigar:**