BIODANZA: la danza de la vida: June Mini-Series: Play, Connect, Integrate!



Sun Studio @ the Arts and Industry Building (221 Pine Street, Suite 245, Florence, Northampton MA MA)

Launching into Summer Mini-Series
~ Play, Connect, Integrate! ~
Come reset your nervous system, move playfully and powerfully into summer, and have a taste of how Biodanza unfolds as a process over time, with a series of three sessions focused on integration.
Get in touch with yourself, others & life ~ Expand your capacity for PLAY & being fully in the present moment ~ Reinforce your organic rhythms & natural state of flow ~ Heal your emotional & physical body while dancing ~ Grow through joyful experience rather than mental effort ~ Co-create brave space to build the lives and world we want together!

Mondays, June 5th / 12th / 19th, 7-9pm

Sun Studio @ the Arts & Industry Building
221 Pine Street, Suite 245, Florence, MA
Taught by Clara Rubin-Smith McKie

(Facilitadora bilingüe en español e inglés)

Pre-registration required: please sign up by the day before, or contact me if you would like to drop in. 

This is to plan each class and an arc for the series that serves you and the whole group best. 

Register through Venmo (@ClaraRSM) or PayPal (, and include your email address for class information and updates.

$60-75 sliding scale for the series

$30 if joining for a single session

If you need a different financial arrangement to participate, please reach out!

Participation in the whole series is recommended as we build from one week to the next, but joining for a single session is also welcome.
Biodanza is a powerful and gentle integrative system that promotes human development, both personal and collective. Each session offers a series of simple movement exercises, paired with thoughtfully chosen inspirational music from around the world, that build upon each other. Each is an invitation into vivencia, a vividly lived present moment, that opens up new experiences of ourselves, each other, and the world around us. Biodanza proposes dance in its widest sense, as movements full of meaning, a birthright and capacity available to all of us. When we bring our full selves to dance in relationship with our lives, with our specific gifts and challenges, these embodied, moving experiences have deep and lasting impact. This is a facilitated and well-held therapeutic and transformational group process that works progressively over time, with regular practice sustaining profound effects on our physiology and way of living.
Grownups of all ages welcome. Masks optional. No experience needed, just bring your curious heart, comfortable clothes for moving in, bare feet or indoor-only shoes and a water bottle.