Aradia, Scott Hsu, The Third Entity
The Rendezvous (78 3rd St, Turners Falls, MA 01376, Turners Falls MA)
Aradia’s Official Website:
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Aradia on YouTube:
Citing the iconic German supergroup Kraftwerk as a formative inspiration in her musical journey, Aradia has a clear vision for the kind of music she wants to make and exactly how she wants to make it. Music from Aradia is hers through and through — turn on one of her tracks and it’s her vocals, her instrumentals, and her production comes to life.
If the music of Empire of the Sun and Def Leppard were to intertwine with Robyn and Marina and the Diamonds, it might be getting close to the sonic worlds Aradia builds from scratch every day — but, even so, Aradia is something all her own. When inspiration strikes, whether it be in the middle of the night or on those New York streets, a song can often arrive as more than a melody or beat. She can build both parts of a new track simultaneously, allowing a song to enter her canon already fully formed.